Datuen hiztegia

Zutabea Mota Etiketa Azalpena
JURISDICTION text Jurisdiction

Name of jurisdiction submitting the report pursuant to Government Code 65400

YEAR text Reporting Year

Reporting year of the APR

APN text APN

The current Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) for the parcel on which the development is located

STREET_ADDRESS text Street Address

The number and name of the street on which the development is located

PROJECT_NAME text Project Name

The name of the project. Optional.

JURS_TRACKING_ID text Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID

A unique identifier assigned to the project by the jurisdiction (sometimes the permit number). Optional.

VLOW_INCOME text Very Low Income

The number of units in the development that are affordable to very-low income households (0-50% AMI)

LOW_INCOME text Low Income

The number of units in the development that are affordable to low income households (50-80% AMI)

MOD_INCOME text Moderate Income

The number of units in the development that are affordable to moderate income households (80-120% AMI)

ABOVE_MOD_INCOME text Above Moderate Income

The number of units in the development that are affordable to above moderate income households (above 120% AMI)

DEV_BONUS_DESC text Description of Commercial Development Bonus

Description of the commercial development bonus provided by the jurisdiction

Informazio gehigarria

Eremua Balorea
Azken eguneratzea 2024(e)ko uztailaren 9(a)
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