Datuen hiztegia

Zutabea Mota Etiketa Azalpena
JURS_NAME text Jurisdiction

Name of jurisdiction submitting the report pursuant to Government Code 65400

CNTY_NAME text County

Name of the county where the jurisdiction is located

YEAR text Reporting Year

Reporting year of the APR

APN text Current APN

The current Assessor Parcel Number (APN) for the parcel on which the development is located.

PRIOR_APN text Prior APN

The Assessor Parcel Number (APN) previously associated with the parcel, if applicable. Optional field.

STREET_ADDRESS text Street Address

The number and name of the street on which the development is located.

PROJECT_NAME text Project Name

The name of the project. Optional field.

JURS_TRACKING_ID text Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID

A unique identifier assigned to the project by the jurisdiction (sometimes the permit number). Optional field.

UNIT_CAT text Unit Category

Unit category of the development.

Valid Values: SFA (Single-Family Attached Unit), SFD (Single-Family Detached Unit), 2 to 4 (2-, 3-, and 4-Plex Units per Structure), 5+ (5 or More Units Per Structure), ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit), MH (Mobile Home Unit)

TENURE text Tenure

Whether units are either proposed or planned at initial occupancy for renters or owners

APP_SUBMIT_DT text Date Application Submitted

Date the application was submitted to the jurisdiction. If the application was incomplete at the time of submittal, this will reflect the date the application was determined to be complete by the local government.

VLOW_INCOME_DR numeric Very Low-Income Deed Restricted

The number of units proposed in the development application that will be affordable to very-low income households (0-50% AMI) and will be deed restricted.

VLOW_INCOME_NDR numeric Very Low-Income Non Deed Restricted

The number of units proposed in the development application that will be affordable to very-low income households (0-50% AMI) and will not be deed restricted.

LOW_INCOME_DR numeric Low-Income Deed Restricted

The number of units proposed in the development application that will be affordable to low income households (50-80% AMI) and will be deed restricted.

LOW_INCOME_NDR numeric Low-Income Non Deed Restricted

The number of units proposed in the development application that will be affordable to low income households (50-80% AMI) and will not be deed restricted.

MOD_INCOME_DR numeric Moderate-Income Deed Restricted

The number of units proposed in the development application that will be affordable to moderate income households (80-120% AMI) and will be deed restricted.

MOD_INCOME_NDR numeric Moderate-Income Non Deed Restricted

The number of units proposed in the development application that will be affordable to moderate income households (80-120% AMI) and will not be deed restricted.

ABOVE_MOD_INCOME numeric Above Moderate-Income

The number of units proposed in the development application that will be affordable to above moderate income households (above 120% AMI).

TOT_PROPOSED_UNITS numeric Total Proposed Units

The total number of units submitted in the development application.

TOT_APPROVED_UNITS numeric Total Approved Units

The total number of units the local jurisdiction approved for this development application.

TOT_DISAPPROVED_UNITS numeric Total Disapproved Units

The total number of units the local jurisdiction did not approve (either if the project was denied or the number of units was reduced).

APP_SUBMITTED_SB35 text Submitted Pursuant to SB 35

Whether the application was submitted pursuant to Government Code section 65913.4, subdivision (b) (Streamlined Ministerial Approval Process (SB 35 Streamlining)). Valid Values: No, Yes-But no action taken, Yes-Approved, Yes-Denied.

DENSITY_BONUS_RECEIVED text Density Bonus Received

Whether or not a density bonus was requested for this development application. Valid Values: Yes, No. Field added beggining in 2021.

DENSITY_BONUS_APPROVED text Density Bonus Approved

Whether or not the density bonus request for this development project was approved. Valid Values: Yes, No, N/A. Field added beggining in 2021.

APPLICATION_STATUS text Application Status

The status of the application for this development. Valid Values: Approved, Pending, Disapproved, Withdrawn. Field added beggining in 2021.

NOTES text Notes

Any notes the jurisdiction added on this development.

Informazio gehigarria

Eremua Balorea
Azken eguneratzea 2024(e)ko uztailaren 2(a)
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