Datuen hiztegia

Zutabea Mota Etiketa Azalpena
JURS_NAME text Jurisdiction

Name of jurisdiction submitting the report pursuant to Government Code 65400

YEAR text Reporting Year

Reporting year of the APR

REHAB_ELOW_INCOME text Extremely Low-Income Rehabbed Units

Extremely low-income rehabilitated units that do not count towards RHNA

REHAB_VLOW_INCOME text Very Low-Income Rehabbed Units

Very low-income rehabilitated units that do not count towards RHNA

REHAB_LOW_INCOME text Low-Income Rehabbed Units

Low-income rehabilitated units that do not count towards RHNA

REHAB_TOTAL text Total Rehabbed Units

Total extremely low, very low, and low-income rehabilitated units that do not count towards RHNA

REHAB_DESC_ACTIVITY text Rehabbed Unit Description

Description of the rehabilitated units that do not count towards RHNA

PRESERVE_ELOW_INCOME text Extremely Low-Income Preserved Units

Extremely low-income preserved at-risk units that do not count towards RHNA

PRESERVE_VLOW_INCOME text Very Low-Income Preserved Units

Very low-income preserved at-risk units that do not count towards RHNA

PRESERVE_LOW_INCOME text Low-Income Preserved Units

Low-income preserved at-risk units that do not count towards RHNA

PRESERVE_TOTAL text Total Preserved Units

Total extremely low, very low, and low-income preserved at-risk units that do not count towards RHNA

PRESERVE_DESC_ACTIVITY text Preserved Unit Description

Description of the preserved at-risk units that count towards RHNA

ACQUISITION_ELOW_INCOME text Extremely Low-Income Acquired Units

Extremely low-income acquired units that do not count towards RHNA

ACQUISITION_VLOW_INCOME text Very Low-Income Acquired Units

Very low-income acquired units that do not count towards RHNA

ACQUISITION_LOW_INCOME text Low-Income Acquired Units

Low-income acquired units that do not count towards RHNA

ACQUISITION_TOTAL text Total Acquired Units

Total extremely low, very low, and low-income acquired units that do not count towards RHNA

ACQUISITION_DESC_ACTIVITY text Acquired Unit Description

Description of the acquired units that do not count towards RHNA

MHPARK_ELOW_INCOME text Extremely Low-Income Mobilehome Park Units

Extremely low-income preserved units in mobilehome parks that do not count towards RHNA

MHPARK_VLOW_INCOME text Very Low-Income Mobilehome Park Units

Very low-income preserved units in mobilehome parks that do not count towards RHNA

MHPARK_LOW_INCOME text Low-Income Mobilehome Park Units

Low-income preserved units in mobilehome parks that do not count towards RHNA

MHPARK_TOTAL text Total Mobilehome Park Units

Total extremely low, low, and very low preserved units in mobilehome parks that do not count towards RHNA

MHPARK_DESC_ACTIVITY text Mobilehome Park Unit Description

Description of the preserved units in mobilehome parks that do not count towards RHNA

RHNAREHAB_ELOW_INCOME text Extremely Low-Income Rehabbed Units (RHNA)

Extremely low-income rehabilitated units that count towards RHNA

RHNAREHAB_VLOW_INCOME text Very Low-Income Rehabbed Units (RHNA)

Very low-income rehabilitated units that count towards RHNA

RHNAREHAB_LOW_INCOME text Low-Income Rehabbed Units (RHNA)

Low-income rehabilitated units that count towards RHNA

RHNAREHAB_TOTAL text Total Rehabbed Units (RHNA)

Total extremely low, very low, and low-income rehabilitated units that count towards RHNA


Description of the rehabilitated units that count towards RHNA

RHNAPRESERVE_ELOW_INCOME text Extremely Low-Income Preserved Units (RHNA)

Extremely low-income preserved at-risk units that count towards RHNA

RHNAPRESERVE_VLOW_INCOME text Very Low-Income Preserved Units (RHNA)

Very low-income preserved at-risk units that count towards RHNA

RHNAPRESERVE_LOW_INCOME text Low-Income Preserved Units (RHNA)

Low-income preserved at-risk units that count towards RHNA

RHNAPRESERVE_TOTAL text Total Preserved Units (RHNA)

Total extremely low, very low, and low-income preserved at-risk units that count towards RHNA

RHNAPRESERVE_DESC_ACTIVITY text Preserved Unit Description (RHNA)

Description of the preserved at-risk units that count towards RHNA

RHNAACQUISITION_ELOW_INCOME text Extremely Low-Income Acquired Units (RHNA)

Extremely low-income acquired units that count towards RHNA

RHNAACQUISITION_VLOW_INCOME text Very Low-Income Acquired Units (RHNA)

Very low-income acquired units that count towards RHNA

RHNAACQUISITION_LOW_INCOME text Low-Income Acquired Units (RHNA)

Low-income acquired units that count towards RHNA

RHNAACQUISITION_TOTAL text Total Acquired Units (RHNA)

Total extremely low, very low, and low-income acquired units that count towards RHNA


Description of the acquired units that count towards RHNA

RHNAMHPARK_ELOW_INCOME text Extremely Low-Income Mobilehome Park Units (RHNA)

Extremely low-income preserved units in mobilehome parks that count towards RHNA

RHNAMHPARK_VLOW_INCOME text Very Low-Income Mobilehome Park Units (RHNA)

Very low-income preserved units in mobilehome parks that count towards RHNA

RHNAMHPARK_LOW_INCOME text Low-Income Mobilehome Park Units (RHNA)

Low-income preserved units in mobilehome parks that count towards RHNA

RHNAMHPARK_TOTAL text Total Mobilehome Park Units (RHNA)

Total extremely low, low, and very low preserved units in mobilehome parks that count towards RHNA

RHNAMHPARK_DESC_ACTIVITY text Mobilehome Park Unit Description (RHNA)

Description of the preserved units in mobilehome parks that count towards RHNA

Informazio gehigarria

Eremua Balorea
Azken eguneratzea 2024(e)ko uztailaren 9(a)
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