SRA FHSZ Rollout Application (Comparison) September 2023

Pursuant to Public Resource Code 4202, The State Fire Marshal shall classify lands within State Responsibility Areas into fire hazard severity zones. Each zone shall embrace relatively homogeneous lands and shall be based on fuel loading, slope, fire weather, and other relevant factors present, including areas where winds have been identified by the department as a major cause of wildfire spread.Per Government Code 51178, The State Fire Marshal shall identify areas in the state as moderate, high, and very high fire hazard severity zones based on consistent statewide criteria and based on the severity of fire hazard that is expected to prevail in those areas. Moderate, high, and very high fire hazard severity zones shall be based on fuel loading, slope, fire weather, and other relevant factors including areas where winds have been identified by the Office of the State Fire Marshal as a major cause of wildfire spread.This application presents fire hazard severity zones as submitted September 29, 2023, for review. It also contains the fire hazard severity zones released on June 15, 2023. A swipe tool is on by default to highlight changes.




Public Access Level 公开
Rights No restrictions on public use
Program Contact Name prefire.calfire
Program Contact Email [email protected]
Frequency Irregular
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最近更新 七月 4, 2024, 00:06 (UTC)
创建的 十二月 5, 2023, 00:04 (UTC)
DCAT Issued Date 2023-06-14T18:13:36.000Z
DCAT Modified Date 2023-10-13T14:27:37.000Z