Aspen Delineation - Plumas National Forest [ds374]

The database represents delineations of aspen stands associated with stand assessment data (PLUMAS_NF_PTS) collected in aspen stands in the Plumas National Forest, Beckwourth Ranger District (Plumas County); field surveys and assessments were conducted by trained USFS staff. This is the current completed data set for aspen distribution of land administered by this agency. Aspen stands were assessed and delineated using a protocol developed by the lead investigators at the Beckwourth Ranger District. Data captures location and vegetative characteristics of aspen stands. Associated with this polygon layer is a point layer (PLUMAS_NF_PTS) containing aspen stand assessments conducted in conjunction with the aspen stand delineations. Data Compilation: The Aspen Delineation Project (ADP) is a collaborative effort of the U.S. Forest Services Pacific Southwest Region, the California Department of Fish and Games Resource Assessment Program, and the California Office of Bureau of Land Management. Principal Investigator for ADP is David Burton; visit: for more information regarding the ADP. The Department of Fish and Games, Resource Assessment Program compiled this information from the collaborating agencies and other researchers, and formatted the data into a common database for the purpose of facilitating access to data related to the conservation of Quaking Aspen in California. This information portal falls within the ADP goals to help agencies and land managers identify, map, treat, and monitor aspen habitats. This dataset is a portion of a master database compiled during a year long effort in 2005 to pull together current GIS layers and maps depicting Aspen communities in California.




Public Access Level 公开
Rights No restrictions on public use
Program Contact Name BIOS_Admin
Program Contact Email [email protected]
Frequency Irregular
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.1073,39.6823],[-121.1073,40.2474],[-120.0849,40.2474],[-120.0849,39.6823],[-121.1073,39.6823]]]}
Source Link
最近更新 七月 3, 2024, 06:21 (UTC)
创建的 十一月 1, 2023, 06:25 (UTC)
DCAT Issued Date 2023-10-24T17:03:30.000Z
DCAT Modified Date 2023-10-24T17:03:33.386Z