Datuen hiztegia

Zutabea Mota Etiketa Azalpena
JURISDICTION text Jurisdiction

Name of jurisdiction submitting the report pursuant to Government Code 65400

COUNTY text County

Name of the county where the jurisdiction is located

YEAR text Reporting Year

Reporting year of the APR

APN text Assessor Parcel Number

Assessor’s parcel number of the locally owned surplus site

STREET_ADDRESS text Street Address

Number and name of the street or street intersection of the locally owned surplus site

EXISTING_USE_TYPE text Existing Use Type

Existing use of the surplus site. Valid Values: Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Public Facilities, Vacant, Air Rights, Other.

NUM_OF_UNITS text Number of Units

Number of units on the surplus site, if existing use is residential. Valid Values: Zero if the existing use is not residential

SURPLUS_TYPE text Surplus Designation

Designation as surplus or exempt surplus pursuant to Government Code section 54221, or excess pursuant to Government Code section 50569. Valid Values: Surplus Land, Exempt Surplus Land, Excess.

PARCEL_SIZE text Parcel Size

Size of excess parcel in acres

NOTES text Notes

Any applicable notes providing additional property description

Informazio gehigarria

Eremua Balorea
Azken eguneratzea 2024(e)ko uztailaren 2(a)
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