Climate Explorer

California is doubling down on efforts to achieve carbon neutrality and build resilience to the impacts of climate change. While the impacts vary in different regions of California, every area of the state is already experiencing climate change impacts. The best available science tells us that impacts will continue into the future and will include increases in annual temperatures, changes to precipitation patterns such as longer and more intense droughts, increases in wildfire areas and severity, sea level rise, ocean warming, and the spread of invasive species. 

The Climate Explorer contains interactive viewers allowing users to explore predicted changes in temperature and precipitation, sea level rise and storm severity, and opportunities to implement nature-based solutions, which are actions that work with and enhance nature to help address societal challenges on California’s landscapes. 

The temperature and precipitation viewer provides access to a subset of the data developed for the 4th California Climate Assessment and made available through Cal-Adapt.  

The Sea Level Rise viewer includes data from the U.S. Geological Survey’s Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS), with more variables available for exploration at Our Coast, Our Future. 


Datuak eta baliabideak

Anformazio gehigarria

Eremua Balorea
Public Access Level Publikoa
Rights No restrictions on public use
Program Contact Name CA_Nature
Program Contact Email [email protected]
Frequency Irregular
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Azken eguneratzea uztaila 4, 2024, 11:15 (UTC)
Sortuta abuztua 11, 2023, 01:10 (UTC)
DCAT Issued Date 2022-03-21T19:55:29.000Z
DCAT Modified Date 2023-07-20T00:31:44.000Z