CDFW Facilities [ds3076]

This is a point layer representing California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW - formerly California Department of Fish and Game - DFG) facilities. In 1995, under the request of John Ellison, the original coverage was created by Teale Data Center using address matching of the DFG phonebook dataset. In March of 1996, Isaac Oshima and Paul Veisze used a SPOT Imagery confirmation process applied to those facilities for which Teale could not find an address match. The update occurred using SPOT View imagery sent to the various DFG facilities. The key personnel were requested to 'ink-in' the actual physical location(s) considered to be the HQ for that particular facility. The maps were then sent back and the correct point was represented in the GIS by a point. In 1999, under Paul Veisze, GIS staff were allocated the task of calling each facility within a region and checking whether the information on file was correct. The dataset was subsequently updated. The data was updated through receiving a database from FASB/Tami Garfio ("telephone and facility List"). Point locations are verified by contacting appropriate CDFW staff or cross referencing with google and yahoo maps, gis roads layer, and imagery.


Datuak eta baliabideak

Anformazio gehigarria

Eremua Balorea
Public Access Level Publikoa
Rights No restrictions on public use
Program Contact Name BIOS_Admin
Program Contact Email [email protected]
Frequency Irregular
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-124.2159,32.6791],[-124.2159,41.9837],[-114.6059,41.9837],[-114.6059,32.6791],[-124.2159,32.6791]]]}
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Azken eguneratzea ekaina 26, 2024, 06:16 (UTC)
Sortuta abuztua 11, 2023, 01:44 (UTC)
DCAT Issued Date 2023-05-19T16:27:44.000Z
DCAT Modified Date 2024-05-29T18:42:20.477Z