Total Capacity by Owner and County: 2021

Power plant capacity data and map are from the California Energy Commission. Map depicts total capacity of utility-scale power plant related at 1MW or more based on owner classification (federal, state, investor-owned utility, public-owned electric utility, and merchant). Counties without symbols had no utility-scale plants. Data is from 2021 and is current as of August 19, 2022. Projecting: NAD 1893 (2011) California (Teale) Albers (Meters). For more information contact Rebecca Vail at (916) 477-0738 or John Hingtgen at (916) 510-9747.<o:p></o:p>


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Kreirano august 11, 2023, 00:46 (UTC)
DCAT Issued Date 2023-06-30T15:16:19.000Z
DCAT Modified Date 2023-06-30T15:44:13.000Z