Post Primacy Aquifer Exemptions

This post primacy aquifer exemption data depicts areas exempted by the US EPA for Class II injection after the March 14, 1983 Primacy agreement between the US EPA and CalGEM. This dataset represents an expansion of the original primacy exempted areas based on aquifer exemption packages that were approved between 1985 and 2021.


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Dodatne informacije

Polje Vrijednost
Public Access Level Javno
Rights No restrictions on public use
Program Contact Name gis_cadoc
Program Contact Email [email protected]
Frequency Irregular
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.6315,34.9676],[-121.6315,37.7028],[-118.7922,37.7028],[-118.7922,34.9676],[-121.6315,34.9676]]]}
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Zadnja izmjena juni 24, 2024, 02:15 (UTC)
Kreirano august 11, 2023, 01:11 (UTC)
DCAT Issued Date 2021-05-14T00:21:33.000Z
DCAT Modified Date 2022-05-25T00:00:00.000Z