Licensed Bed Classification and Designations Trends

This dataset contains information by licensed facility including number of patient days, hospital discharges, licensed bed days, and intra-hospital transfer from critical care by the six licensed bed classifications, including General Acute Care, Chemical Dependency Recovery, Acute Psychiatric, Skilled Nursing, Intermediate Care, and Intermediate Care/Developmentally Disabled. The General Acute Care classification is further defined by bed designation categories that include Medical/Surgical (includes GYN/DOU), Perinatal (includes LDRP, excludes nursery), Pediatric Acute, Intensive Care, Coronary Care, Acute Respiratory Care, Burn Center, Intensive Care Newborn Nursery, and Rehabilitation Center bed designations. 2015 data are preliminary, are as reported and have not been audited. See the Healthcare Facility Bed Types and Counts dataset for complimentary information at:

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Polje Vrijednost
Public Access Level Javno
Rights No restrictions on public use
Program Contact Name None
Program Contact Email [email protected]
Frequency Annual
Temporal Coverage


Source Link None
Zadnja izmjena juli 1, 2024, 07:07 (UTC)
Kreirano august 11, 2023, 01:17 (UTC)
DCAT Issued Date 2017-06-16T22:30:30.302825
DCAT Modified Date 2022-04-22T15:02:48.098460