i03 SPFCPlanningArea 20100301

State Plan of Flood Control (SPFC) Planning Area is the lands currently receiving protection from the SPFC (CWC§ 9651(g)). Data were originally developed and supplied by MWH Global (Consultant) and originated by HDR (Sub-consultant to MWH Global), under contract to California Department of Water Resources.


Podaci i resursi

Dodatne informacije

Polje Vrijednost
Public Access Level Javno
Rights No restrictions on public use
Program Contact Name [email protected]_DWR
Program Contact Email [email protected]
Frequency Irregular
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-122.9325,36.6785],[-122.9325,41.1981],[-120.1691,41.1981],[-120.1691,36.6785],[-122.9325,36.6785]]]}
Source Link https://gis.data.cnra.ca.gov/maps/edaa8be6bad04ed09d4d854eb4fd5d08_0
Zadnja izmjena juli 1, 2024, 04:28 (UTC)
Kreirano maj 1, 2024, 04:35 (UTC)
DCAT Issued Date 2018-01-19T21:15:52.000Z
DCAT Modified Date 2022-02-16T18:54:15.000Z