C2VSimCG R374_rev

A new version of the C2VSimCG model is available here (https://data.cnra.ca.gov/dataset/c2vsimcg-v1-0)

Revised version of the C2VSimCG R374 (released April 27, 2018). Coarse grid California Central Valley Groundwater-Surface Water Simulation Model (C2VSimCG) is a computer program that simulates water movement through the linked land surface, groundwater, and surface water flow systems in California’s Central Valley using monthly timesteps. The C2VSimCG model includes 1392 cells and it has two versions in terms of the simulation period: water years 1922-2009 and water years 1973-2009.

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Dodatne informacije

Polje Vrijednost
Public Access Level Javno
Rights No restrictions on public use
Program Contact Name Emin C. Dogrul
Program Contact Email [email protected]
Frequency Irregular
Source Link https://water.ca.gov/Library/Modeling-and-Analysis/Central-Valley-models-and-tools/C2VSim
Zadnja izmjena juli 8, 2024, 04:10 (UTC)
Kreirano august 11, 2023, 01:24 (UTC)
DCAT Issued Date 2018-12-18T20:47:40.534115
DCAT Modified Date 2023-02-23T05:45:55.338782