Dicionario de datos

Columna Tipo Etiqueta Descrición
site_code text Site Code

Location based 18 character alphanumeric code assigned to each well.

msmt_date timestamp Water Level Measurement Date (PST)

Date and time water level measurement was taken, in Pacific Standard Time.

wlm_rpe numeric RPE for a specific water level measurement record

Reference Point Elevation (RPE) used to collect the groundwater level measurement in feet referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88).

wlm_gse numeric GSE for a specific water level measurement record

Ground Surface Elevation (GSE) at the well site in feet referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88).

gwe numeric Groundwater Elevation (ft)

Groundwater elevation in feet above mean sea level, referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88).

gse_gwe numeric Ground Surface Elevation to Groundwater Elevation

Depth to groundwater surface in feet below ground surface.

wlm_qa_desc text Measurement quality description

Genearalized quality description of the water level measurement. Possible values: Good: For discrete measurements, if there is no quality flag on the record, it is assumed to be good quality. For continuous (automated) measurements, quality values are assigned for each point. Questionable: Quality of the water level measurement is in question.
Provisional: The quality of the water level measurement has not yet been assessed and is unknown. Missing: the water level measurement does not exist for this datetime at this site.

wlm_qa_detail text Measurement quality detail

This field provides additional information on the wlm_qa_desc field; in particular this field may provide more context for why a quality of 'questionable' or 'missing' was assigned.

wlm_mthd_desc text Water Level Measurement Method Description

Description of water level measurement method.

wlm_acc_desc text Water Level Measurement Accuracy Description

Description for accuracy of water level (elevation) measurement.

wlm_org_name text Reporting Organization

Organization which reported the water level measurement to DWR.

coop_org_name text Collecting Organization

Organization which collected the water level measurement.

monitoring_program text DWR Monitoring Program

DWR Monitoring Program this well is primarily monitored under, e.g. SGMA (Sustainable Groundwater Management Act), CASGEM (California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring program), or Voluntary.

source text Data source

The DWR data source the measurement. Options are DWR_DISCRETE and DWR_CONTINUOUS DWR_DISCRETE means the wlm came from the database of generally manual measurements, collected by local, state or federal entities under a variety of programs including CASGEM and SGMA. DWR_CONTINUOUS means the measurement was collected by an automated measurement station operated and maintained by DWR.

msmt_cmt text Water Level Measurement Comments

Comment recorded for this water level measurement.

Additional Information

Field Value
Última actualización 11 de agosto de 2023
Created 11 de agosto de 2023
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