Datuen hiztegia

Zutabea Mota Etiketa Azalpena
Year numeric

Calendar year clostridium difficile infection (CDI) reported

State text


HAI text

Healthcare-associated infection (HAI): Clostridium difficile infection (CDI)

Facility_ID1 text

Facility ID. The primary key used to track facility information for all facilities stored in the Electronic Licensing Management System (ELMS) for California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Center of Healthcare Quality, Licensing and Certification Program. FACID fields can be used to link to the Healthcare Facility Locations data table to get locations of the facilities.

Facility_Name1 text

Facility name for California long-term acute care hospital (LTAC) reporting individually to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN), regarding hospital onset (HO) CDI, in a calendar year. LTAC is defined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as providing care to patients with medically complex conditions requiring an average length of stay greater than 25 days. All hospitals reported 12 months of data.

County text

The name of the California county where the facility is located, derived from COUNTY_CODE in the FACILITY table in ELMS, obtained from the facility's license application form.

Hospital_Onset_Cases numeric

Count of hospital onset (HO) CDIs based on a stool specimen collected more than three days after admission to the facility (i.e., on or after day 4), excluding neonatal intensive care units and well-baby nurseries. The "NHSN Patient Safety Component Manual" document contains the specific criteria for an HAI such as CDI, and provides examples of how to apply the HAI definition; See the NHSN website: http://www.cdc.gov/nhsn.

Patient_Days numeric

A count of the number of patients in the hospital during a time period. To calculate patient days, for each day of the month, at the same time each day, the number of patients is recorded. At the end of the month, the daily counts are summed. See the NHSN website: http://www.cdc.gov/nhsn.

Hospital_Onset_Rate numeric

The incidence density rate of HO CDIs, calculated as the number of cases divided by the total number of patient days, multiplied by 10,000 patient days: HO CDI rate per 10,000 inpatient days = (Number of HO Cases)/(Total Inpatient Days) × 10,000

CI_95_Lower_Limit numeric

Lower limit of the incidence density rate 95% confidence interval. Calculated using exact Poisson distribution. The confidence interval quantifies the precision of a rate that is associated with random variation.

CI_95_Upper_Limit numeric

Upper limit of the incidence density rate 95% confidence interval. Calculated using exact Poisson distribution. The confidence interval quantifies the precision of a rate that is associated with random variation.

PCR text

Upper limit of the incidence density rate 95% confidence interval. Calculated using exact Poisson distribution. The confidence interval quantifies the precision of a rate that is associated with random variation.

Notes text

For further detailed explanations, please see the "Technical Notes" of the Public Reports at http://www.cdph.ca.gov/hai. Source: Clostridium difficile Infections in California Hospitals, January through December. California Department of Public Health.

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