Rječnik podataka

Kolona Vrsta Označi Opis
Year text Year

Four-digit year in which the event occurred.

County text County Name

Name of county for geography.

Geography_Type text Geography Type

Whether the geography is based on the place of residence or place of occurrence. A geography type of Residence includes events for California residents even if they occurred outside of California, whereas a geography type of Occurrence includes events that occurred within California even if they were not California residents.

Strata text Strata

General demographic or detail category under which events have been stratified. For example, Race-Ethnicity or Gender. Will be Total Population if there is no stratification.

Strata_Name text Strata Name

Individual strata within the general demographic or detail category. For example, Hispanic or Female. Will be Total Population if there is no stratification.

Count numeric Count

Count of events. If blank, see annotation for more information.

Annotation_Code text Annotation Code

Annotation code for count as single digit:

  • blank = no annotation
  • 1 = cell suppressed for small numbers
  • 2 = cell suppressed for complementary cell
  • 3 = no data is available
  • 4 = statistically unstable value
Annotation_Desc text Annotation Description

Descriptive text for the data annotation.

Data_Revision_Date text Data Revision Date

Date data was created or revised (MM/DD/YYYY).

Dodatne informacije

Polje Vrijednost
Zadnje ažuriranje nepoznato
Kreirano nepoznato
Format CSV