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STN_ID numeric Station ID

Sequential number assigned to each well.

SITE_CODE text Site Code

Location based 18 character alphanumeric code assigned to each well. Unique identifier (key).

WLM_ID numeric Water Level Measurement Unique ID

Unique database identifier for water level measurment.

WELL_NAME text Local Well Name

Local well identification / local well name, number, or code.

BASIN_NAME text Basin Subbasin Name

Basin or subbasin name the well is located within, as defined by the Department of Water Resources.

GSA_NAME text GSA Name

The name of the GSA that the well is associated with.

GSP_NAME text GSP Name

If applicable, the GSP Local ID the well is associated with. This field is blank for single GSP Basins, please reference the "Basin Subbasin Name" field to determine the associated GSP.

MSMT_DATE timestamp Groundwater Level Measurement Date (PST)

Date/Time (in PST) the groundwater level measurement was collected.

WLM_RPE numeric RPE for a specific water level measurement record

Reference Point Elevation used to collect the groundwater level measurement in feet referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88)

WLM_GSE numeric GSE for a specific water level measurement record

Ground Surface Elevation at the well site in feet referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88)

GWE numeric Groundwater Elevation

Groundwater elevation in feet above mean sea level, using NAVD88.

GSE_GWE numeric Ground Surface Elevation to Groundwater Elevation

Depth to groundwater elevation in feet below ground surface.

WLM_QA_DESC text Water Level Measurement Quality Description

Quality assurance description for groundwater level measurement (questionable or no measurement code).

WLM_DESC text Water Level Measurement Method Description

Description of water level measurement method.

WLM_ACC_DESC text Water Level Measurement Accuracy Description

Description for accuracy of water level (elevation) measurement.

MSMT_CMT text Water Level Measurement Comments

Comments regarding this measurement.

WLM_ORG_NAME text Collecting Organization

Organization which collected the water level measurement.

COOP_ORG_NAME text Cooperating Organization

Agency that cooperated in collecting the water level measurement.

MONITORING_PROGRAM text DWR Monitoring Program

DWR Monitoring Program this well is primarily monitored under, e.g. SGMA (Sustainable Groundwater Management Act), CASGEM (California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring program), or Voluntary.

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