Rječnik podataka

Kolona Vrsta Označi Opis
County text County name

Name of the California County the Station is located within.

station_short_name text Short station name

An abbreviated station name used for identifying the station. Probably but not necessarily unique.

station_name text Station name

Station name, used for identifying the station. Probably but not necessarily unique.

cdec_id text CDEC ID

California Data Exchange Center (CDEC) identification code. Not all stations are represented in CDEC; null if the station is not in CDEC. For more information on CDEC see https://cdec.water.ca.gov.

positional_accuracy text Horizontal positional_accuracy

Description of the horizontal positional accuracy of the station location.

dwr_gw_site_code text DWR groundwater site code

A unique alphanumeric identifier used in in DWR's groundwater station and measurement database. Null if the station is not represented in the DWR groundwater database. For more information, see CNRA Open Data page for DWR's groundwater database: https://data.cnra.ca.gov/dataset/periodic-groundwater-level-measurements

station_type text Station type

The primary monitoring purpose for the station. Examples include Groundwater, Water Quality, Surface Water

longitude numeric Longitude

Longitude of the station location in decimal degrees. Datum stored in lldatum field.

comments text Comments

Comments applying to the station.

lldatum text Horizontal datum

Text description of the horizontal datum. Describes the datum Latitude and longitude the station location is stored in.

station_number text Station number

Unique alphanumeric identifier for the station.

last_modified_date timestamp Last modified date

Date the station information record was last modified.

latitude numeric Latitude

Latitude of the station location in decimal degrees. Datum of latitude measurement stored in lldatum field.

last_modified_by text Last modified by

Person or process that last modified the station record.

source text Data source

Data source of the station record.

date_data_refers_to timestamp Date data refers to

Date the station information was extracted from the DWR database and uploaded to Open Data.

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